I tunes University can also be known as “I tunes U”. This is a new educational program from the Apple I tunes store that gives teachers and students constant access to information no matter where they are. This program and more technology have made it possible for students to no longer just have to learn from their desk. Many faculty are commenting that they are beginning to take part in I tunes U because it is a fast and easy way to provide a lesson to their students not only swiftly but digitally.
If you haven’t noticed walking around campus almost every student is carrying a cell phone and most also have an iPod or mp3 player. Today’s young adults know more about technology than most. It is not uncommon for a student to gather information right off of their phone. This makes it easier for teachers to get students to use these hand held objects as their newest learning tool. I tunes U allows students to download the lectures straight to their I pod, I touch or I phone. This is a convenient way for the student to learn at their on pace anytime and anywhere. The best part about it is that is free!
Many Universities such as Stanford, Arizona State and New Jersey are all taking part in I tunes U. These universities can all make their on accounts for their school so that people outside will not be able to access the lectures. An Apple i.d. can be added or changed at anytime by the University. There is also a part of the program called External I Tunes U. This allows anyone who ha access to I Tunes to be able to download the lecture to gain knowledge for their personal benefit. Apple monitors all downloads.

In my opinion I think that this is a great idea. Teachers have finally found a way to stay connected with their students by using something they know the most about. I as a student would love this idea. I like the fact that the student has the privilege of learning at their own pace. I am one of those students that has to review things a few things so that I can get a better understanding. If this sort of thing is available when I become a teacher I will take full advantage of using this as a learning tool for my students. I feel that it will be very convenient for the both of us.